
This Mixed Reality product enables its users to share a projection of their tabletop with someone located anywhere, whether this is another room or another country. To explore how physical-digital environments support open-ended play, my group and I designed an app with different play types in mind.

This Mixed Reality product enables its users to share a projection of their tabletop with someone located anywhere from another room to another country. To explore how SurfaceStreams supports open-ended play, my group and I designed an app with different play types in mind, such as Games with Rules. The app allows the user to manipulate the projected picture by changing its backgound; adding "stickers" in form of resizable pictures; and using effects, which show up on the projection as animations.

article image My master thesis group sitting with SurfaceStreams and an early prototype of our app projected on the tabletop surface.


The OVERALL PROCESS of this project was different from my other projects, as this lasted for two semesters. Because of this, we were inspired by the Design Thinking model, as this allowed us to go through severeal iterations, while still getting to explore our ideas.

For PROTOTYPING, we sketched out our concepts, choosing one to create low fidelity wireframes of. We created these wireframes using Figma. The concept we found most viable was made into a high fidelity wireframe, allowing us to play around with the look of the different buttons. Finally, we created a prototype using, which we evaluated during Maker Faire in Aarhus.

As we went through several iterations, we also did several rounds of TESTING and evaluations with this project. Earlier in the project, we evaluated some concepts by presenting them to three different HCI experts and interviewing them about the concepts. We also tested early concepts with two families, using within-subjects. Later, we tested the intuitivity by presenting two high fidelity prototypes for two children, as a final evaluation before testing the final prototype at Maker Faire in Aarhus.