
This project was for my bachelor's thesis in 2021. Together with my group, I designed a hypothetical booking system for MuteBox in the context of airport lounges. We interviewed frequent business travellers to gain insights into the target group. For wireframing, we used Figma, and we then created a functional prototype for testing using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

MuteBox designs soundproof booths for offices, and we wanted to expand their concept to airports. When travelling, layovers sometimes last for hours upon hours, and some business travellers may use this time for meetings. We designed BoxBooking for the context of MuteBoxes being placed in business lounges. Here, you would be able to get an overview of what booths are free using an overview panel, as well as book a booth for a meeting, or for working. Inside the booths there would be a booth panel, enabling the traveller to view their booking, extend it, or end it.

article image A poster showing concept art; a use case scenario; as well as the UI for both the overview panel and the booth panel.


DATA GATHERING resulted in both qualitative and quantitative data. To get initial insights into the habits of frequent business travellers, we created a questionnaire. Through this, we also recruited interviewees from around the world to get more in depth data covering their thoughts, wants, and fears regarding working on the go.

The PROTOTYPING process started using Balsamiq. Here, we created lo-fi wireframes, enabling us to explore the layout and functions before deciding on a more hi-fi design in Figma. The prototype, which we ended up using for testing, was created using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

The TESTING of the prototype was executed online due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We had a list of prompts for the test participants to measure the intuitivity of the system. While they were testing the booking system, they were encouraged to think aloud in order for us to get as much insight as possible. The practical test was followed by a semi-structured interview, and a debriefing.